When I first started out as a reader, I worked at a psychic fair. People would walk up to me and ask how Tarot cards work. I would tease that there were tiny gears in among the cards…. Of course, there are no real gears, but cards do what they do for very specific… Read more »
Category: Uncategorized
Adventures in Tarot Cards: the 8 of Swords, reversed
Doing a reading about love I did a reading online last week for a man. He was still in love with an ex-girlfriend from two years ago. She contacts him from time to time and he still lives in the hope that they will reunite. I had to tell him differently. I did a… Read more »
Tarot optimism: Reverse your cards and reverse your fortunes
I am going to paraphrase a commercial: Change your tarot cards and change your life. Tarot cards do not (as I have said before) predict what WILL happen, things can and do change. But when you get a lot of negative cards in a reading, you can look at the cards and see what you… Read more »
Finding your Tarot community
Do you do Meetup.com? I love it. It is a great place for me to find people who are interested in the same things I am. Most are free or very inexpensive to join. There are a variety of Tarot meetups to join. I love meeting with people on Zoom and talking tarot, but there… Read more »
How are those New Year’s Resolutions going? Eight of Pentacles vs. eight of Wands
Are you still working on your New Year’s Resolutions? Or like most people, did you give up on them? We like to think of resolutions as 8 of Wands—resolve to do it and it will take off on its own. Instead, resolutions are 8 of Pentacles, start practicing and you will get better over time…. Read more »
There are no rules in Tarot
When I teach a Tarot Class, I get asked about how we obtain our decks. Someone usually asks, it is true you have to be gifted your first deck? Well, no, that is a myth. I bought all my own decks and freaked out my tax accountant when I went pro because I could now… Read more »
It WILL be a wonderful life!
I doubt if there is a person in America who has not seen the movie It’s a Wonderful Life at least once. Just in case you have been living under a rock for 70 years, I will refresh your memory for a moment. A man named George is having a terrible Christmas Eve. He is… Read more »
Getting over a heartbreak
Healing from the past I hear often from women who have had their hearts broken in a relationship. I tell them the best way forward is to forgive themselves first. They cannot forgive the partner that hurt them until they forgive themselves for the trouble they saw and chose to ignore because they were in… Read more »
Actions speak louder than words
When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. — Maya Angelou A person’s actions will tell you everything you need to know about them, pay attention.” –Joe Mehl Actions speak, words mumble I have talked to a lot of people over the years about their men and romance. I have learned… Read more »
Devil card: Everyone is mad as Hell
• I read an advice column recently. A woman is bitterly complaining about her sister-in-law. She judges everything this woman has and does and puts it down. • I read in another advice column where the bride is complaining that people did not spend more than $300 on gifts for her wedding. And she is… Read more »