Finding your Tarot community

Do you do I love it. It is a great place for me to find people who are interested in the same things I am. Most are free or very inexpensive to join.

There are a variety of Tarot meetups to join. I love meeting with people on Zoom and talking tarot, but there are other meetup groups that meet in person. All the groups listed here welcome people from all over the country (and even all over the world) to join in discussing our favorite topic: Tarot! All these groups welcome all levels of Tarot experience, beginner to advanced.

These are a few of my favorite online groups:

Second Sunday Tarot

Originally, Second Sunday Tarot was a local Chicago Area group that meet in the suburbs of Chicago at various coffee shops or bookstores. When the pandemic hit, they went online, and I hope they never go back to meeting in person.

They meet once a month. Usually there are about 20 or 25 people joining in their discussion of cards, decks, and spreads. I join them almost every month. Others come—including an old psychic friend of mine—from Los Angeles, California, New York, and once even mainland China!

Edmonton Tarot Meetup

Like I have already said, being online, these groups get people joining in from everywhere. I originally heard of this Canadian group when the organizationer joined us at Second Sunday Tarot. I now love to go to their monthly meetups whenever I can. Like Second Sunday Tarot, they are a large group that meets once a month to talk about Tarot cards.

Willow Root Tarot

This group, based in Texas, uses their meetings to get people to read for each other, practicing their technique. They meet almost every week. See the description of the group for more information about what to be prepared for when you join up.

Dallas Tarot Club

The Same organizer as the Willow Root Tarot Meetup, this group meets on a different night to discuss tarot. They also meet just about every week.

Salt Lake City Tarot

They meet twice a month and discuss all aspects of Tarot, cards meanings, decks, spreads, all of it.

Let’s Talk Tarot—LA

A group that meets weekly to discuss all things Metaphysical including Astrology, Karma, and of course Tarot.

Online Tarot Study Group

Based in Ohio, this group does a “deep dive” into some aspect of Tarot and Tarot card reading every week.


These are just a few of the many groups on Meetup and Facebook that you can look for to find a community that fits your Tarot style. Some will ask for a small donation for each meeting, or just once to help keep the group going. Meetup costs an organizer at least $200/year, so it is kindness if others chip in a few dollars to help.

Do you have an online Tarot meetup I did not mention? Tell me about it and I will update this list.

Looking for a fun idea for your next party or event? Consider Psychic Entertainment by Barbara G Meyer. If you are looking for a new idea for a ladies’ night out? Consider a Tarot class for you and your friends. Either in person or on Zoom.