The 9 of cups shows a person sitting in front of a line of cups. He has a smug expression on his face, indicating how proud he is to own all these cups. You think as you look at it, that he has everything he wants. But does he have all he needs? When I… Read more »
Tag: Cups
Adventures in Tarot Cards: 8 of cups
“Something hidden. Go and find it. Go and look behind the Ranges– Something lost beyond the ranges. Lost and waiting for you. Go!” –Rudyard Kipling “The Explorer” 8 of Cups has always been a favorite card of mine. It usually (we will use the Rider-Waite as an example here) shows a person walking away from… Read more »
Card of the Day: 5 of Cups Rx
I always say I never regret. Regret means to feel bad about the past, what has already occurred. But what is the point of that? It is done, it can’t be undone. Might as well move on. So I do. 5 of Cups Rx means that you can back up a bit and gain a… Read more »