Author Archives: Barbara Meyer

That Ace of Pentacles moment

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. –Chinese Proverb   Aces in tarot are new beginnings. Ace of Wands, new enterprise, or business. Ace of Cups, new love or new energy and excitement. And Ace of Pentacles is a new path opening before you.   I wanted to start something new.… Continue Reading

Why do we need to stop saying, it is what it is?

I am going to rant right now. I do not see why we need to stop saying “it is what it is.” I just read this article:  The Grammar experts say (among other phrases) we should stop saying, “it is what it is.” I get it, the rest of the article talks of stop… Continue Reading

Morning Pages

I have made a new resolution to start doing Morning Pages again. Morning Pages are the brainchild of Julia Cameron in her book The Artist’s Way. Every day you get up (a little extra early) and write in a 10×8 inch notebook whatever is in your head. You write 3 pages and stop. You don’t… Continue Reading

Trust the artist

I am in the process of having some new tunics made to go with my costume. Julia (Needlman is making them with the help of a very good local fabric artist named Jennifer Smith. This last week, they perfected the basic pattern and showed me some design elements they will be using to make… Continue Reading

Eating a Frog

Many years ago, when I was still working as a Librarian, someone had pasted a funny bookmark on their locker. It showed a photo of a frog and said: “Eat a live frog first thing in the morning and nothing worse can happen to you all day.” I loved that bookmark! I thought about it… Continue Reading